Home 9 Product 9 Zildjian Hickory Dip Series Drumsticks – 5B – Wood Tip – Black

Zildjian Hickory Dip Series Drumsticks – 5B – Wood Tip – Black


Hang on to your grip tape – Zildjian Dip drumsticks are ready to rock without modification. Black Dip handles give this matched pair a better grip and shock absorption to protect your joints. That means faster, tougher playing and all-night comfort. Hickory’s natural density packs a wallop at any size. And Zildjian’s oval tips deliver a musical cymbal response and good articulation.

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SKU: 5BWD Categories: , GTIN: 642388298275

Great for beginners and advanced players alike. These sticks can take a beating while keeping your hands from getting tired by doing the gripping for you. Fantastic balance, feel, and sound. Cool looks, too. The innovative black DIP coating, developed through extensive research and development with top percussionist Marc Quinones, provides a great grip on the drumstick and a unique stick sound. Every stick is hand-inspected after final shaping and paired according to weight. Every drummer needs a pair or three.

