Home 9 Product 9 Zildjian P1300 Brilliant Cymbal Cleaning Polish

Zildjian P1300 Brilliant Cymbal Cleaning Polish

Original price was: ₹1,386.00.Current price is: ₹1,248.00.

Note: While providing protection and bringing out shine, this polish may remove a cymbal’s writing and labeling.Into stage presence? The Zildjian Cymbal Cleaning Polish as a must have. This little bottle is backed with polish to keep your cymbals looking great onstage, with all of their original factory-fresh sheen and luster. The Zildjian Cymbal Cleaning Polish is also designed to protect all Zildjian cymbals – cast or sheet, with brilliant finishes. Looking to dazzle ’em under the stage lights? Get your cymbals ready for the big stage, with Zildjian Cymbal Cleaning Polish.

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SKU: P1300 Categories: , GTIN: 642388191880